
This site is used for Frank's assignment, of course. Also, I am using this site for those people who would like to know more about me. I have posted information about myself, my future, and my mom, etc. So please feel free to come to my blog and drop off some comments. Cheers!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

My Future

I like planning my future. I try to follow the exact same plan that I have made. Especially, when it comes to my future career, I have this clear vision of what I'm going to do in order to accomplish my ultimate goal.
I've already made a future plan for the next 5 years. Now I am 23 years old, taking a TESL program at Niagara College, which I really enjoy. After I complete my study at here, I am going to Brock University to take the Masters of Education(ISP). I am really excited about going there since taking this program will enable me to widen the possibility of my further careers.
I have two choices about where to start my first career. First choice is starting my career in Japan as an English teacher in junior high /high school after graduating from Brock in October of 2007. Second choice is to stay in Canada and become a school councelor, who can support Japanese international students, in a private language school since I've been interested in becoming a counselor besides being an English teacher.
Regarding my ultimate goal, I am planning to start my own private language institution. I believe that training qualified English teachers would lead to children's improvement of learning authentic English. Thus, I would like to assist future English teachers gaining skill through teaching them with based on what I have learned about the TESL field from my previous education.
See, now you know how much I enjoy making future plans. I am really excited about accomplishing every single plan that I've stated here and having a wonderful teaching life!!


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