
This site is used for Frank's assignment, of course. Also, I am using this site for those people who would like to know more about me. I have posted information about myself, my future, and my mom, etc. So please feel free to come to my blog and drop off some comments. Cheers!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I guess some of you guys may be wondering why I'm using the word "serendipity" for the title of this blog.
I like this word because of the sound & the meaning.
I came across this word from the movie called "serendipity."
Here's few transcripts from movie which relate to the meaning of serendipity.

"Serendipity, a fortunate accident"
"we make our own decisions. But....fate sends signs and how we read them decides whether we're happy or not."

After I saw this movie, I realized that I should not try to change the unfortunate accident/situation, but it is more important that one should keep a positive atittude and try to learn something from that situation.


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