
This site is used for Frank's assignment, of course. Also, I am using this site for those people who would like to know more about me. I have posted information about myself, my future, and my mom, etc. So please feel free to come to my blog and drop off some comments. Cheers!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Secret of My Name


This is my name in Japanese that my mum and dad gave me when I was born. Well, can you guess what my name literally means in Japanese??

Well, the anwer is "hemp field." Now, please don't think my parents are drug dealers or involved with the Mafia. PLZ!! The reason why they gave me the name is that they wanted me to grow strong and straight like hemp.
I was really impressed when I found the true meaning of my name and I am pround of my self until now for growing strong & straight as my parents wished.
亞土何 苗奉


Blogger Miss C said...

Mari, we are kindered spirits. Both our names are plants. Mine meaning a purple flower.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

I love your name. Would you teach me to write it in Japanese script?

10:47 AM  

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